To stand for the PSC Appeals Committee, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
PSC’s 2023 Annual General Meeting on February 4th will include the election of an Appeals Committee. This is a new body which will convene should a member wish to appeal against a ruling that has been made against them under PSC’s complaints procedure.
We are therefore seeking nominations from PSC members wishing to stand for election to this important committee. Members elected by the AGM will serve for a period of 3 years and should expect to hear no more than one or two cases during this period.
We will be electing six members at the AGM, four of whom will be randomly selected to sit on an individual case. They will be joined by two other representatives, plus a non-voting Chair. Full details of how appeals would operate can be found in the Appeals Procedure.
We welcome nominations from all PSC members, but believe this role to be particularly suited to those with prior experience of disciplinary or legal proceedings, whether as a workplace representative, disciplinary panel member, legal professional or otherwise.
PSC Members can self-nominate and are invited to submit a 100 word statement using the form below in support of their candidacy, which in the event of a contested election, will be distributed in advance to those voting at PSC’s AGM. Submissions must be made by 5pm on Friday January 20th.
If you are interested in applying but would like more information we will be holding an online briefing session with PSC’s Chair Kamel Hawwash, and Secretary Ben Soffa on Thursday January 12th at 5pm on Zoom at this link: