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6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Event Type

central London location  Calling all new activists and volunteers who want to be involved in the campaign for a free Palestine! We are at a critical turning point in Palestine activism. The last protest attracted 150,000 people, the biggest protest so far against the massacre in Gaza. The media is being forced to cover what’s happening in Palestine – even the BBC sent journalists to the protest and included it on the front page of BBC News. People in the UK and around the world have woken up to Israel’s war crimes. This is when we need to act. PSC is holding a series of interactive workshops and meetings over the next few weeks and months to build an activist community and collectively decide on which direction we should be going in and what actions we should take.

The first of these workshops is this Thursday 14th August in the evening. There will be a short introduction from Palestine Solidarity Campaign speakers, but mostly this is where we say it’s over to you. After the protests, and after the outrage about Gaza has died down, what should be our next steps? What else is going on that you might want to be involved in? We want to hear your ideas. And we want to keep building our strong activist community.

If you are interested in getting involved in these events, including coming to the event this Thursday 14th August please email [email protected] as soon as possible to RSVP and get the details.