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7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event hosted by East London PSC, and Luton PSC.

Palestine’s contribution to global emissions is negligible. Yet, Palestine is among the most vulnerable to climate change considering its location in the Mediterranean region – a hotspot for climate change and its impact.

Palestine has 12 sectors which are considered highly vulnerable to climate change: water, waste and wastewater, agriculture, coastal and marine, energy, food, gender, health, industry, terrestrial ecosystems, tourism and urban and infrastructure.

Despite this, the impact of climate change is negligible when compared to the impact of the policies and practises of the Israeli occupation. Furthermore, the occupation hinders every rational effort for climate change adaptation or for development in general.

Join our talk to learn more. The talk will focus on water as a case study.

REGISTER: bit.ly/ZaynebTalk