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6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Central London venue TBC



Followed by Q&A and London Palestine Action’s regular action planning and organising meeting. http://whereshouldthebirdsfly.org/ Join Palestinian film-maker Fida Qishta for a showing of her film about the Gaza war of 2009 and young survivor Mona Samouni who lost 48 members of her family including her parents in the invasion. Operation Cast Lead was the most violent Israeli attack on Palestinian territory since 1967. 1400 people lost their lives, including over 300 children. Over 5000 people were injured and 11,000 homes damaged or destroyed. Fida is from Gaza and has worked with the International Solidarity Movement, filming Israeli attacks on her neighbourhood in Rafah and surrounding areas for over a decade. The screening will be followed by Q&A with Fida and then, for those that wish to say, London Palestine Action’s regular action planning and organising meeting. Join us to help plan creative and effective Palestine solidarity actions.  The event is hosted by London Palestine Action, a new network of people in London taking creative action against Israeli apartheid through BDS and other effective, participatory Palestine solidarity work.