Monday 1. Film Screening of ‘Roadmap to Apartheid’
– followed by a Q&A with Nandita (Director of the Camden Abu-Dis Friendship Association), Noor (a Palestinian student from Nablus currently on an exchange trip to London) and Tamara (a Palestinian student from Jerusalem currently on an exchange trip to London.) 19:00 – Room B102, SOAS Tuesday 1. Freedom Bus event – ‘Supporting the March Freedom Ride in Area C’ 2. Raast Night, G2, 20:00-22:00 Wednesday 1. Main Panel at UCU – ‘Voices from Palestine: Resisting Racism and Apartheid’, 18:30 Speakers: – Yafa Jarrar, Palestinian youth activist and co-founder of Students Against Israeli Apartheid (Canada). – Abir Kopty, Media Coordinator with the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee. – Rafeef Ziadah is a Palestinian spoken word artist, activist, senior Campaigns Officer at War on Want and secretariat of Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee. Co-organised by: UCL Palestine Society, SOAS Palestine Society, KCL Action Palestine, Goldsmith’s Palestine Society, UEL Palestine Liberation Society, LSE Palestine Society, City University Palestine Society, Kingston University Palestine Society and QMUL Palestine Society. Thursday 1. CHECKPOINT SOAS Friday 1. Ronnie Barkan speaking @ Goldsmiths *STALL AND PALESTINIAN FILMS/MUSIC AND DANCE ON MONDAY, TUESDAY AND FRIDAY IN THE JCR*