We are delighted that Iyad Burnat, who had to shorten his May UK book tour and therefore didn’t get to Northamptonshire, is returning for a July tour.
Iyad is a prominent leader of the non-violent civil resistance in Bil’in, West Bank. Palestine.
He will be speaking about the resistance, life in Palestine.
Iyad will be signing copies of his book, “Bil’in and The Non-violent Resistance”, available to purchase (£20, £15 unwaged – cash only).
Lifts from Northampton can be arranged – please get in touch if you would like a lift or can offer a car seat.
All Welcome – No booking needed
Admission Free – Donations at the Meeting
Iyad will be signing copies of his book, Bil’in and The Non-violent Resistance
Enquiries: 01933 681522