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Public Meeting: Palestinian Women Speak Out


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre
46-92 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1JX
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Palestinian Women Speak out event organised by Tower Hamlets Palestine Solidarity and Jenin Friendship – an apt way to mark International Women’s Month by hearing first-hand from some remarkable Palestinian women themselves.
The women are visiting the UK to raise awareness of the issues faced by Palestinians under the Israeli Occupation. They are guests of Tower Hamlets Jenin Friendship and Camden Abu Dis Friendship.

Speakers: Ibaa Abulayya and Hiyam Elayyan, Director of the Saraya Womens’ and Childrens’ Centre in Jerusalem’s Old City
Jenny Manson, Jewish Voice for Labour
Kiri Tunks, NEU (NUT section)
Chair: Christine Shawcroft

More details here.