On Wednesday April 8th there will be a Hustings Meeting with 4 of the candidates for the Richmond Park constituency in the forthcoming General Election. The meeting will take place in the Pagoda Room at London Welsh Rugby Club ,Old Deer Park, Kew Road Richmond. ( see http://www.olddeerpark.co.uk/directions/) for directions)
The meeting is co-hosted by Richmond and Kingston PSC, Kingston Peace Group, and Stop the War. The meeting will be on a Question Time format divided into 3 sections:
- Palestine/Israel
- The war on Terror and Human rights
- Peace and Nuclear weapons.
Question should be submitted in advance to [email protected]
Facebook Event
Please visit indicate there that you are coming
The meeting will commence at 7:30. Those wishing to ask a question on the night need to arrive by 6:45 to submit their question. 4 questions will be asked of all candidates in each section of the meeting.
This is an important opportunity to quiz candidates on their views on these central issues of justice and rights. Please put the date in your diary and make every effort to attend.