Hewlett Packard is a key target of the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions(BDS) movement.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign is hosting a Stop Hewlett Packard webinar to explain the campaign and what you can do to get involved.
The webinar will last one hour and will cover:
* Why Boycott Hewlett Packard? (Riya Hassan BNC);
* Campaign Strategy (Salim Alam PSC);
* The Legal Case Against HP (Michael Duke PSC);
* Activist resources and Plans for the International Week of Action against HP (Samir Eskanda PSC)
Monday 17th October, 7.30pm – 8.30pm.
You are invited to take part. Places are limited so please register in advance for the webinar using the following link: https://
Once you have registered you will receive details on how to join the webinar on the day and time above.
You will be able to join the webinar from the comfort of your own home or office; all you need is a computer and a good internet connection.
(Short for Web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web using video conferencing software. A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements: the ability to give, receive and discuss information in real-time.)