Land Day is one of the most important days marking Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation and apartheid. March 30th 2023 marks 47 years since 6 unarmed Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces whilst peacefully resisting the state-sanctioned stealing of Palestinian lands.
The confiscation of Palestinian land continues today, with a violent Israeli settler movement empowered by a new Israeli government even more right-wing than its predecessors. The Jewish National Fund (JNF or KKL) continues to play a key, state-sanctioned role in expropriating Palestinian land for the sole purpose of Jewish settlement.
The Plant a Tree in Palestine (Stop the JNF) campaign provides support to Palestinian farmers and communities resisting land grabs on the ground. The Stop the JNF campaign is working with Palestinian partners who will plant thousands of trees this year, and to make this happen we aim to raise a total of £7500 (a hundred pounds for every year since the Nakba) from now until May.
Join us from 6.30pm (UK time) on Thursday, March 30th to find out more about the campaign, to hear from those planting on the ground, the impact of the new Israeli government, as well as inspirational music and poetry.
‘If they uproot 100, we will plant 101!’