Film: “Where Should the Birds Fly” (58 minutes). This is the story of two young women, survivors of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead. Mona Samouni, now 12 years old and the filmmaker, Fida Qishta, now 27, represent the spirit and future of Palestinians. More info here.
Speaker: Ahmed Masoud, writer and director. Ahmed grew up in the Gaza Strip and moved to the U.K in 2002. He helped form the theatre & dance group Al Zaytouna Dance Theatre. Ahmed has written and produced plays for theatre and radio, including “Escape from Gaza” for BBC Radio 4. Last year Ahmed published “Vanished: The Mysterious Disappearance of Mustafa Ouda” -”a fictional story set against the political unrest in Palestine.” A chapter of Ahmed’s PhD research has been published in the “Britain and the Muslim World: Historical Perspectives” by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. More info.:
Hastings Palestine Solidarity Campaign