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7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Centrecom Building
Centrecom, Milton Keynes, MK9 3BJ.
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MKPSC is delighted to announce a presentation by

Kate Scott

A Personal Political Tour

Palestine at a Time of Increasing Tension


Tuesday 5th January 2016

7.30pm – 9.30pm

At Centrecom*, Central Milton Keynes

Doors open at 7.10 pm for a 7.30 pm start

 Following her first visit to the West Bank and Israel in 2011, Kate co-founded Northampton Al-Bireh (Palestine) Friendship Association (NABPFA).

 At home in the UK she is active with NABPFA, the Britain Palestine Friendship and Twinning Network, PSC and campaigning for justice and freedom for Palestinians

 This presentation follows her fourth visit in October-November 2015.


All members, supporters, guests/friends of MKPSC are welcome

 Free admission

Free refreshments served on arrival and during the interval

 Stalls selling books, Palestinian foodstuffs and FairTrade crafts

 PSC literature available

*602 North Row, Central Milton Keynes. Centrecom is between North 9 and North 10 Streets. The post code is MK9 3BJ.