Balfour, May and the ‘Wrong Kind of Jews’
Speaker: Robert Cohen
November 2017 sees the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in which the British Government promised to create a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. While most Jewish communities around the world will be celebrating the anniversary, Palestinians see it as an historic betrayal of their rights, the implications of which are still being played out today.
Robert Cohen is a leading dissident voice within the UK Jewish community and his talk will present some of the ‘lost voices’ of Jewish dissent against Balfour 100 years ago and discuss the prospect of Jewish opposition to Zionism today.
Robert Cohen’s blog ‘Writing from the Edge’ can be read here:
Meeting arranged through the Faith and Justice Commission, the Lancaster Methodist Church, Global Link and Three Peaks for Palestine.
Contact Simon Stewart on 01524 840027 with venue queries.