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Here are three ways you can get involved and take action on the HSBC #StopArmingIsrael day of action on September 14th:

1) Take action:

Whether theres two people or 50, you can take action outside your local HSBC branch on the national day of action. Here are some examples of different actions you can take:

  1. Stall
  2. Picket
  3. Banner drop
  4. Flyering

You can get as creative as you like with your action! Check out the Beautiful Trouble website for inspiraton and different creative tactics.

Register your action to order free resources & receive info, a media guide and more.

2) Publicise and Mobilise

Creating a Facebook event allows more people to be able to find your action and join in! We can also help promote your action to activists nationally searching for an action in their area.

Here is a graphic you can use as your Facebook event photo

Template title and blurb for Facebook event

HSBC #StopArming Israel day of action

HSBC invests in and provides financial services for companies providing military technology and weapons to Israel, which the Israeli military has used to commit war crimes and systematically violate international law. This includes investments of nearly £100million in the company Caterpillar.

Caterpillar supplies the Israeli military with bulldozers which are weaponised and used to assist in Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, including the demolition of Palestinian homes, schools, villages and civilian infrastructure – in order to make way for the ever-expanding illegal Israeli Jewish-only settlements.

Since 1967 the Israeli military has demolished nearly 50,000 Palestinian houses, and Caterpillar equipment has been involved at many of these demolitions, which amount to war crimes. Currently Caterpillar Bulldozers are being used by the Israeli military to aid in the demolition of 70 Palestinian homes in the Sur Baher village in East Jerusalem. Over 1000 Palestinians are being displaced from their homes, forcing them to live in exile

Caterpillar also provides equipment used to reinforce Israel’s apartheid infrastructure, including Israel’s checkpoints, separation wall alongside the West Bank as well as the wall in Gaza, and for the construction of illegal settlements and settlement infrastructure on stolen Palestinian land.

Public pressure led HSBC to divest from Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms company, but HSBC remains deeply complicit with Israel’s war crimes.

Join us and take action outside HSBC , and call on HSBC to #StopArmingIsrael!

3) Spread the word online!

Here are three different ways you can spread the campaign message online and build the pressure for HSBC to stop arming Israel:

  1. Share the Facebook event for the national day of action
  2. Post about the campaign on your social media. You can use the following graphics:

3. Click to tweet