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The government is tabling its anti-boycott bill, an attack on local democracy, freedom of expression and campaigns for human rights and climate justice. Follow @PSCupdates and join 68 civil society groups to oppose the bill. More info righttoboycott.org.uk – #RightToBoycott


Right to Boycott – model motion for Trade Union branches

This organisation (name of union and branch) notes that:

• The government’s Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) bill, or anti-boycott bill, will limit the ability of public bodies to make ethical choices about spending and investment that reflect widespread public support for human rights, climate goals and international law.

• The bill will shield companies engaged in human rights abuse or environmental destruction by preventing public bodies from cutting financial ties with them over abusive or illegal actions committed in a foreign state, unless expressly permitted to do so by the government.

• It will also violate the rights of Local Government Pension Scheme members [including members of this branch {if applicable}], by preventing them from choosing how their deferred wages are to be invested.

• Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns are part of the fabric of democracy, they provide a peaceful way for people to push for justice and pressure regimes, institutions, or companies to change abusive, discriminatory, or illegal practices.

• The best-known boycott was the campaign to end apartheid in South Africa. Had this legislation been in place, it could have forced public bodies and British universities to do business with that regime.

• The anti-boycott bill is part of a string of attacks on democratic participation and freedom of expression which includes the anti-strikes bill and recent legislation undermining the right to protest.

•  68 national civil society organisations – including national Trade Unions, environmental, human rights and faith groups, and a wide range of campaigns for social and climate justice – have signed a statement opposing these plans www.rightoboycott.org

This branch resolves to:

• Call on the government to immediately halt this bill and on opposition parties to vote against it and encourage [name of union] nationally to do the same.

• Publicise the Right to Boycott campaign (https://righttoboycott.org.uk/) to all members, encourage them to sign the petition and participate in actions against the bill.

• Write to local MPs to ask them to vote against this dangerous bill in parliament.

• Invite a speaker from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to a future branch meeting to challenge misinformation about the movement for Palestinian rights, including the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS).
