The PSC Annual General Meeting is a vital event, discussing our work over the last year, and planning the future of our campaign – including motions and elections to the Executive Committee. Please join us there!
All members of national PSC are strongly encouraged to attend
the AGM. If you are not sure whether your membership is up to date,
please contact [email protected] or 020 7700 6192.
Cost and accommodation
Cost: £8 waged, £6 unwaged (to cover cost of lunch).
We will try to arrange accommodation with other members of PSC if
requested by 10 January 2014.
Voting eligibility
- At the AGM, every member in good standing has one vote, but a minimum period of membership of 3 months, ie by 25 October 2013, is necessary before voting rights are acquired.
- PSC branches can send a delegate but this will only be valid where the branch affiliated has paid its subscription (£25 annually in January) Delegates from affiliated national organisations with over 100,000 members are entitled to 3 votes. Delegates from all other affiliated organisations will have one vote.
- The names of delegates from affiliated national organisations and PSC branches must be nominated by their affiliated organisation and registered with the PSC office by 10 January 2014.
- In order to facilitate the smooth running of the AGM, to try to avoid lengthy registration queues, and guarantee your lunch, we are asking all delegates to pre-register for the AGM as an individual by 17 January 2014.
- Voting for candidates will be by ballot at the AGM. Tellers will be appointed by the meeting.
Motions and amendments
Motions to the AGM, and nominations to the executive must be
received in the PSC office by 29 November 2013. Please keep any
motions to no more than 300 words.
These will be sent to members by 14 December. Amendments to motions must be received in the PSC office by 17 January 2014. Please keep any amendments to no more than 100 words.
Elections to the PSC Executive Committee
The following positions are elected at the AGM: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary,
Treasurer, Trade Union Liaison Officer, Student Liaison Officer, Campaigns
Officer, Publications Officer, 8 ordinary members of the Executive Committee.