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Boycott Barclays

Both the UK government and UK based businesses are complicit with Israel’s crimes against Palestinians through their involvement in the arms trade with Israel.

Join us in calling on Barclays to stop bankrolling companies arming apartheid Israel.

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LGPS Divest

Local authority pension funds, administered by councils across Britain, invest over £4.4billion in companies complicit in Israel's genocide and apartheid.

Join us to demand they divest for Palestine now!

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Apartheid Off Campus

UK universities remain deeply complicit with Israel’s apartheid regime through their investment and institutional links. Join the campaign to get #ApartheidOffCampus!

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Child Prisoners

Israel is the only country in the world that systematically prosecutes children in military courts – between 500 and 700 each year.

Join us in demanding that all children have their rights protected.

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Israeli settlements are built illegally on stolen Palestinian land.

Our government calls them illegal and a barrier to peace and yet they take no action.

Join us in calling for action from the UK government.

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Stop the JNF UK

The Jewish National Fund is complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Join the campaign to get their charitable benefits revoked.

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