In Latest news
Thank you for all your actions throughout our General Election campaign. Over the last few weeks supporters sent over 36,000 messages to candidates up and down the country – and we were able to gather the views of 1,043 of them from parties across the spectrum. With your help we made sure Palestine was on the agenda of the candidates across the UK.
The votes have now been counted and our MPs elected. And so now the hard work really starts…
Please help us raise £10,000 to continue our work with MPs
Over the coming weeks we will:
We need to raise £10,000 to make this happen. The more money we can raise, the more work we can do, and so the louder we can make our voice. £10,000 will give us the resources we need to make our voices heard by those in positions of power.
Today MPs up and down the country will be taking a rest at the end of a tough campaign. But for us, the real work starts here. From the beginning of their term in office we will be putting Palestine at the top of the political agenda.
Let’s make this Parliament the one that makes real political change for Palestine.
Help us reach our £10,000 target to make this happen.
Thank you for your ongoing support and for donating whatever you can afford.
Yours faithfully
Sarah Colborne
Director, Palestine Solidarity Campaign
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