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Boycott Barclays!

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Barclays: Banking on Genocide

Barclays is bankrolling Israel's genocidal assault on Palestinians.

Our research has uncovered that Barclays bank now holds over £2 billion in shares, and provides £6.1 billion in loans and underwriting, to 9 companies whose weapons, components and military technology are being used by Israel in its attacks on Palestinians.

By providing investment and financial services to these arms companies, Barclays is facilitating the provision of weapons and technology for Israel’s attacks on Palestinians.

In addition, Barclays has an agreement with Israel to act as a 'primary dealer' for its government bonds. This means it helps Israel directly to raise money to fund its genocide and apartheid against Palestinians.

We’re calling on concerned people to boycott all Barclays services until the bank ends its grave complicity in Israel’s attacks on Palestinians.

Barclays must #StopBankingOnApartheid and #StopBankingOnGenocide

Boycott Tesco Bank


Barclays owns and is operating under the Tesco Bank branding. We call on all Tesco Bank customers to close their accounts and join the boycott.

Pledge to shut your Tesco Bank (or Barclays) account on our next mass account closure day here.

Barclays: Arming Israel's Apartheid and Genocide Report

Barclays: Arming Israel’s Apartheid and Genocide Report

This May 2024 report by PSC, Campaign Against Arms Trade, and War on Want, details Barclays financial ties to nine companies producing weapons and military technology used in Israel’s attacks on Palestinians. It reveals that Barclays has increased its financial ties with companies arming Israel.

We call on all people to join the Boycott Barclays campaign until the bank ends its financial ties with companies arming Israel.

Boycott Barclays


Barclays is bankrolling Israel’s genocidal assault on Palestinians through its financial ties with arms companies that sell weapons to Israel.  

We’re calling on all concerned people to boycott all Barclays services until the bank ends its complicity in Israel’s attacks on Palestinians. 

Find out more and pledge to #BoycottBarclays here.

Barclays is banking on apartheid

Barclays propped up apartheid in South Africa. But inspiring anti-racist campaigning forced the bank to withdraw.

Today, Barclays invests £2bn+ in companies arming Israeli apartheid. Once again, we’re calling on Barclays to stop banking on apartheid. Watch below to find out more. 


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