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Stop the Prawer Plan

Palestinians are uniting to oppose the Prawer Plan, and they urgently need our support.

Andy Slaughter MP says Stop Prawer Plan
Andy Slaughter MP says Stop Prawer Plan

If the Prawer Plan is enacted it will forcibly remove up to 70,000 Palestinian Bedouin from their homes and villages in the Naqab (the Negev).

Although it has not yet been passed fully by the Israeli Parliament, villages are already under threat with a town inhabited by Palestinian citizens of Israel at risk of being demolished, making way for a new town for Israeli Jewish citizens.

How to get involved:

Get involved by:

  • Following us on twitter and facebook to get involved
  • Posting your own photo against the Prawer Plan


Bristol-PSC and students from both Universities in Bristol  organised a picket & information stall outside the Regional BBC headquarters  for the Day of Rage against the Prawer Plan.
Bristol-PSC and students from both Universities in Bristol
organised a picket & information stall outside the Regional BBC headquarters
for the Day of Rage against the Prawer Plan.