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Hold your candidates to account during the European Elections, and help gather information which will help Palestine supporters decide how to vote.

Ask your MEP candidates their views on some crucial issues:

Please ask your MEP candidates to fill in our questionnaire>

Please read our EU briefing for the EU elections>

Please remember that the further up the list they are the more likely they are to be elected (ie. no1 is most likely to be elected, 2 second most likely etc).

You can also use our model letter>

This gives links to all the  MEP candidates in your region. Not sure what region you are in? Check here>

West Midlands


1. BRADBOURN Philip Charles Email Phone

2. McINTYRE Anthea Twitter Email Website

3. DALTON Daniel Facebook Email Website

4. BURNETT Michael

5. BUCKLE Sharon Isobel (Sibby)               Twitter

6. PRICE David

7. SAMES Dan Twitter Email Phone


1. GILL Neena Twitter Website

2. SIMON Siôn Twitter Facebook Email

3. WALTHO, Lynda Twitter

4. KHAN Ansar Ali Twitter

5. HAMER Olwen Twitter Email Phone

6. ETHAPEMI Tony Website

7. ROBERTS Philippa Twitter Email>

Lib Dem

1. Phil Bennion Twitter Facebook Email Website Phone

2. Jonathan Webber Twitter Email

3. Christine Tinker Twitter Email Website

4. Ayoub Khan Twitter Email

5. Tim Bearder  Twitter Website              

6. Joanna Corbin

7. Neville Farmer


1. Jill Seymour Twitter Email Website Phone

2. James Carver                Twitter Website Phone

3. Bill Etheridge Twitter Website Phone

4. Phil Henrick   Twitter Facebook Email

5. Michael Wrench Facebook

6. Michael Green Twitter Facebook

7. Lyndon Jones


1. Will Duckworth Cllr Twitter Email Email2 Phone Phone2

2. Aldo Mussi Read responses> Email

3. Vicky Duckworth Twitter Email Phone

4. Saffi Price Twitter

5. Tom Harris Twitter

6. Duncan Kerr Twitter

7. Karl Macnaughton Twitter

We’ve focused on the major parties most likely to win seats in the forthcoming elections. For a full list visit here>