In the Centenary Year of the Balfour Declaration
A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel
Speaker – David Cronin
David Cronin is a contributing editor with The Electronic Intifada, a website focussed on Palestine. His new book is Balfour’s Shadow: A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel (Pluto Press 2017)
“Perhaps the most dramatic centenary account” ROBERT FISK
Britain’s support for the Zionist project is arguably more tangible today than it was 100 years ago.
When Arthur Balfour issued his 1917 promise to support the establishment of a “Jewish National home” in Palestine, there was much uncertainty about what would happen next.
In 2017, however, the consequences of the Zionist project are well known. Israel has been established a state following the mass expulsion of the indigenous Palestinians. Those Palestinians who remained within the new state face systematic discrimination. A brutal military occupation persisted in the West Bank and Gaza for five decades.
Having sponsored the Zionist project in its formative period, Britain now gives considerable assistance to Israel.
David Cronin will trace how Britain has gone from giving declaratory backing to the Zionist movement to becoming actively complicit in Israel’s crimes.
Organised by Halifax PSC
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