Divest for Palestine Conference
Where next for the solidarity movement?
Palestinians continue to face the darkest hour in their enduring struggle for liberation. Israel’s genocidal assault has killed many tens of thousands and displaced 90% of Gaza’s population. Across their homeland and in exile, Palestinians are subjected to a system of oppression that is recognised internationally as meeting the legal definition of the crime of apartheid.
Over nine remarkable months, millions in Britain have so far taken to the streets in an unprecedented series of demonstrations demanding an end to British state, corporate and institutional complicity in Israel’s crimes.
Now, this historic movement will come together to discuss the urgent need to escalate our struggle for Palestinian freedom.
On 10 August, a major conference in London will chart the way forward. We must mobilise popular pressure, across every sector of society, to break the ties of complicity linking British institutions and corporations to Israel’s machine of murder and oppression.
The inspiring student encampments have already brought a renewed focus on academic boycott and divestment – the withdrawal of investments from companies that are implicated in sustaining Israeli apartheid.
Trade union activists, artists, and members of the public are now demanding that local councils, universities, cultural institutions, and financial institutions like Barclays, cut their ties to apartheid and divest their funds from companies that are arming and enabling Israel’s genocide.
Don’t miss this landmark conference. Join movement leaders and campaigners as we plan the next steps for the solidarity movement.
Speakers include:
Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement
Ghassan Abu-Sittah, British-Palestinian surgeon
Ben Jamal, Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967
Location: Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, SW1H 9NH.
Time and Date: Saturday 10 August, 10.15am till 4.30pm
Venue accessibility statement. If you have further questions, please email [email protected] in advance of the conference.
Refreshments will be available, however please note that no lunch is provided.
The conference is now fully booked.