Part of Israel’s system of control in the West Bank and Gaza is to make access to education as difficult as possible…or to try and destroy it altogether.
Come and hear from Palestinian students about Israel’s violations of their right to education, its attempted destruction of their everyday lives, and how they rise to the challenge of studying under occupation.
Lian Derini is from Nazareth, and will bring her perspective of a Palestinian citizen of Israel, struggling to live with Israel’s anti-Palestine dogma.
Mahmoud Daghlas is from Nablus, West Bank. He grew up during the Second Intifada, and will be pulling stories from that time into his presenation.
Jehan AlFarra is from Gaza. She has had to access education under Israeli siege and assault, and will be describing the challenges of this and of her struggle to exit a sealed Gaza last year to continue her studies in Oxford. Jehan is a contributor to the book, ‘Gaza Writes Back’.
This event is organised by Right to Education at Birzeit University, West Bank, and Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Free entry.
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