Talk by Leah Levane
(of Jews for Justice for Palestinians)
Tuesday 10th June 2014
7.30 @ Friends Meeting House, Hereford
Admission free
collection for Villages Group
organised by
Millichap Peace Fund
Southern Marches Area Quaker Meeting,Reg. charity no 1134528
Hereford Palestine Solidarity Campaign
[email protected] – tel.0845 4584693
the Villages Group is a small group of Israelis and Palestinians working together to do impressive, practical work to improve conditions for Palestinians in Area C of the West Bank (that’s 62% of the West Bank under complete Israeli military control following the Oslo Accords).
Their main focus is in the South Hebron Hills; projects include creating kindergartens in isolated villages, creating access to electricity in villages off the grid using wind turbines and solar power, providing cars to get children to schools and much more.
In a recent blog, they wrote about proving equipment so that a quadraplegic man, living in Dkaika, a village under threat of demolition, was able to read. They are now focused on raising money for a car so that he can get out from his almost total trap.