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Protest at Wimbledon - Drop Barclays!


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Outside Wimbledon
Church Road, London, SW19
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Join us outside Wimbledon to demand that Barclays, the tournament’s sponsor, stops bankrolling arms companies supplying Israel with weapons to carry out its genocidal assault on Palestinians.

By accepting Barclays sponsorship, Wimbledon’s organisers are allowing Barclays to use tennis to try and improve its reputation, and hide from accountability for its role in enabling Israel’s war crimes. Write to Wimbledon’s organisers and tell them to drop Barclays!

We need to make sure that Barclays has no place to hide from its complicity in Israel’s devastating attacks on Palestinians.

Join us at 10am on Monday 1 July, the first day of the tournament, outside Wimbledon, Church Road (opp. Centre Court), SW19.

Called by: Campaign Against Arms Trade, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and War on Want.