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PSC Conference: Trade Unions Building Solidarity with Palestine 


10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Event Type

Trade Unions Building Solidarity with Palestine 

A conference for trade unionists to escalate their solidarity actions with the Palestinian people, against genocide and apartheid 

Date: Saturday 19th October, 10am – 4.30pm 

Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, WC1H 9BB London  


Nadia Habash, President of the Palestinian Engineers’ Syndicate 

Fran Heathcote, General Secretary PCS

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Phil Clarke, President NEU  

Liz Wheatley, Chair International Committee UNISON  

Dooley Harte, Pension Official UCU

Ben Jamal, Director PSC

Louise Regan, Chair PSC & NEU EC

With more to be confirmed.

Register by using the form below.

Palestinian society is currently facing its most horrific challenge. Israel’s genocidal assault has killed many tens of thousands and displaced more than 85% of Gaza’s population since October. Across their homeland and in exile, Palestinians are subjected to a system of oppression that is recognised internationally as meeting the legal definition of the crime of apartheid.

Trade union members have been at the forefront of the fight back against the increasingly genocidal actions of the state of Israel. Including the tens of thousands who have joined the huge national protest in London and around the country, leading actions of all kinds, including in their workplace and in their local areas, demanding an end to British state, corporate and institutional complicity in Israel’s crimes.

We need to continue the fight and it is our duty as trade unionists and activists in the UK to escalate our solidarity, for freedom, equality and justice for the Palestinian people.

This conference will hear from key Palestinian voices, as well as leaders of the UK trade union movement, on what we need to do next in solidarity with Palestine. This includes stepping up the divestment campaigns targeting all institutions complicit with Israel’s crimes. There also needs to be renewed focus on the fightback against normalisation, to challenge the attempts to sidetrack the core solidarity work against Israel’s genocidal assault. And just as importantly we need to continue to engage and highlight the ongoing campaigns, taking place in all unions, to create the space and offer resources to support activists relentlessly championing justice, equality and freedom for the Palestinian people in their unions.

We need to stand strong and united, against genocide and apartheid, for justice and peace in Palestine.


The conference will include panel sessions on Palestinian workers bearing the weight of genocide and apartheid and the next steps for the trade union movement.

And here will be seminar sessions discussing the following topics:
– Divest for Palestine – Focus on Divestment campaings as part of BDS
– Defending Palestinian Rights: Solidarity – Not Normalisation and Apartheid
– Organising for Palestine in your Trade Union – What you can do in your TU to continue to push for a free Palestine

More information to follow. Sign up today.

PSC Trade Union Conference 2024

I wish to register as a delegate(s) for the PSC Trade Union Conference on Saturday 19 October 2024. Registration costs are £20 full price or £15 PSC member & concession price per delegate to cover lunch and refreshments. Please note that pre-registration is essential as it is not possible to register on the day of the conference.

    For more information on how to affiliate to Palestine Solidarity Campaign, see here: https://www.palestinecampaign.org/affiliate-to-psc/
  • You can pay by cheque, made out to Palestine Solidarity Campaign, our postal address is: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, PO Box BM PSA, London, WC1N 3XX. You can pay by BACS transfer to the following: Account name: Palestine Solidarity Campaign Ltd Account number: 20333702 Sort code: 60-83-01 Please provide the reference: 'TUConf2024' for both BACS and Cheque payments. You may be taken to the payment page after clicking submit. Please close that page if you are paying offline. Your registration will be logged once submit has been clicked.