Tuesday 27th May
CATASTROPHE CLUB film and discussion events presents:
‘The Shebabs of Yarmouk’ (2012, 70 mins)
A film by Axel Salvatori-Sinz, followed by a discussion.
In Yarmouk (Syria), the Shebabs, a small group of boys & girls, have been friends for years. Now as young adults, they have a genuine thirst for life, while being each faced with a conflicted situation. Between the need for freedom and sticking to the group, between longing for revolt and the prospect of a well-ordered life, choices are hard to make – all the more so when you’re a Palestinian refugee in the camp of Yarmouk, in Syria. Director Salvatori-Sinz invites us to observe his subjects’ intimate banter, and from this material he constructs a striking and subtly poetic portrait of the camp’s young people, in the period just before Yarmouk was subjected to today’s desperate state of siege.
See the trailer here.
PLUS: After the screening, Emily Churchill Zaraa, a former resident of Yarmouk, will discuss the impact of the uprisings and the current siege on Palestinians in Syria including those who participated in this film.
Doors open 7pm, start: 7.30pm.
Delicious Middle-Eastern food £4.00 per plate
Free entry / recommended donation £3
at Passing Clouds, 1 Richmond Road, Dalston E8 4AA
CATASTROPHE CLUB: Film and discussion events
Catastrophe Club is a project of Hackney Palestine Solidarity Campaign