A PSC Trade Union Conference: Developing Palestine as a core issue for UK trade union members to grow the international solidarity movement.
Supported by Unite the Union, UNISON, GMB, NEU, ASLEF, UCU, RMT, FBU, TSSA, CWU, PCS, TUC, Thompsons Solicitors.
This conference will feature Palestinian and UK speakers, and provide the space to explore new avenues and provide tools for trade unionists to further our solidarity work for Palestine.
The collective rights of the Palestinian people are under unprecedented assault. The Palestinians need our solidarity now more than ever, and the trade union movement is a crucial part of building lasting solidarity with the Palestinian people. We need to take forward solidarity campaigns, including BDS, to pressure Israel into complying with international law and the universal principles of human rights.
Speakers include:
Dr Mustafa Barghouti, General Secretary Palestinian National Initiative
Samia Al-Botmeh, Assistant Professor in Labour Economics and researcher at the Centre for Development Studies at Birzeit University in Palestine
Mick Whelan, General Secretary ASLEF
Mariela Kohon, Senior International Officer TUC
Douglas Chalmers, President UCU
Kamel Hawwash, Chair Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Zita Holbourne, National Vice-President PCS
Philipa Harvey, Former President NEU
Ben Jamal, Director Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Margaret McKee, Chair International Committee UNISON
Simon Dubbins, Head of International and Research Unite the Union
Prof Kamel Hawwash, Chair Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Featured sessions include the situation of Palestinian workers under occupation, how to take BDS action, how we can make a stronger case for Palestinian rights, and the ways we can build on the existing solidarity work by Trade Unions in the UK.This conference is for trade unionists who want to further their solidarity work, to make further progress for Palestine in their unions and beyond.
Join us to skill up, to learn from each other, to hear from inspiring speakers, to attend seminars and to build the power of Palestine solidarity across the UK trade union movement.
Join us to find out more about:
- Palestinian Worker’s Rights under military occupation
- Campaigning for Palestine in the Trade Union movement
- BDS: Take action now
- Making the case for Palestinian Rights
Please click here if you wish to affiliate your organisation to PSC.
Bookings are closed for this event.