Alistair Burt has replied to the PSC petition handed into no10 Downing Street by Sir Geoffrey Bindman, Haya Al Farra from the Palestinian Mission and PSC Honorary President Betty Hunter.
The Minister confirms that the Government recognises Israel’s ‘legal obligations as an Occupying Power’ including the ‘Fourth Geneva Convention’. Mr Burt confirms the Government is pressing for a number of the Foreign Office funded legal report (produced by leading British lawyers) including:
- an end to shackling and night-time arrests
- the introduction of audio-visual recording of interrogations.
Mr Burt describes the disparity between the treatment of Palestinian children and Israeli children living in the occupied Palestinian territories as ‘disturbing’.
The Government promises to follow up with meetings, but yet again offers no sanctions on Israel if they continue to violate human rights and international law.
Read Alistair Burt reply to Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC