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stand up for palestine small feature

On Tuesday 3rd June with:

To find out more>

PSC’s comedy gig is now completely sold out.

But there is still a chance to win tickets!

To enter our competition simply sign up to our mailing list below!

For a chance to win two tickets to our comedy gig
please fill in your details below:
E-mail address:
First name:
Select your interests:
Comedy gig:
Subscribe Unsubscribe
By ticketing submit I understand that I am joining the PSC mailing list.
I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time, but if I do so before
27th May I will have withdrawn my entry for this free prize draw.

Good luck! Entries – in the form of subscriptions to this mailing list – will close on Tuesday 27 May at 1159  (UK time)

Competition rules:

  1. All existing email addresses for the competition will be included.
  2. You must be over 18 and resident in the UK to take part in the competition.
  3. This competition excludes those involved in the running of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – excludes Executive members, branch officers, PSC staff members and their families.
  4. The draw will be made on Tuesday 27th May  and the winner will be notified via email the same day.
  5. The Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to.
  6. This competition and Palestine Solidarity Campaign is compliant with the data protection act. Our policy is such that we will not pass on your details to any third party without your prior consent.