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Israeli Apartheid Week 2021 is global and massive virtual protest to resist racial discrimination, colonialism, and apartheid and celebrate our struggles’ diversity and connectedness.

Student Palestine Societies, and other campaigning groups, have organised amazing webinars and events to act as a loudspeaker against racism and Israeli apartheid.

All credit goes to the student societies in organising these creative, energising and inspiring events!

Support their events on your campus and beyond…

List of Events Below:

Monday 15th March at 6pm: SOAS Palestine Society: Understanding Palestine Through Gaza

Tuesday 16th March at 6pm: University of Leicester Palestine Society with PSC. Understanding Israeli Apartheid w/ Lubnah Shomali, Dr Nimer Sultany, Rania Muhareb, Hazam Jamjoum

Tuesday 16th March at 6pm: Lancaster University Friends of Palestine: Budrus Film Screening

Tuesday 16th March at 6pm: SOAS Palestine Society: Imprisoning a Generation Documentary Screening.

Tuesday 16th March at 6.30: Sussex Friends of Palestine Society: Medical Apartheid in Palestine w/ Dr Ghada Karmi

Tuesday 16th March at 6pm: UCL SJP and KCL SJP: Shira Robinson on ‘Citizens Stranger: Palestinians in Israel’

Wednesday 17th March at 6pm: University of Bristol Friends of Palestine: United Against Israeli Apartheid

Wednesday 17th March: at 6pm Lancaster University Friends of Palestine: The Ongoing Nakba with Lubnah Shomali.

Wednesday 17th March at 7pm: University of Exeter Friends of Palestine Society: Solidarity with Palestine and the IHRA

Wednesday 17th March at 6pm: SOAS Palestine Society: Discussion with activists from Youth Against Settlements

Thursday 18th March at 6pm: KCL Students for Justice in Palestine w/ PSC: Resisting Israeli Apartheid, w/ Omar Barghouti, Ben Jamal, William Shoki and Larissa Kennedy

Thursday 18th March at 6.30: Sussex Friends of Palestine Society: 5 Broken Cameras Film Screening

Thursday 18th March at 6pm: SOAS Palestine Society: Hawiyya Dabke Workshop

Friday 19th March at 6pm: Lancaster University Friends of Palestine: From Ferguson to Palestine

Friday 19th March at 6pm: UCL SJP: Noura Erakat: ‘Resisting Apartheid: Breaking the Cycle of Injustice’

Friday 19th March at 6.30pm: Sussex Friends of Palestine Society: “If only walls could talk” Open Mic Fundraiser

Saturday 20th March at 3pm: Stop the JNF Campaign: Richard Falk on Israeli Apartheid

Sunday 21st March at 3pm: Global Israeli Apartheid Week RallyFeat Remi Kanazi, Shaeera Kalla and more! Join here

Sunday 21st at 5.30pm: University of Sheffield Palestine Society: The case of “Jenin, Jenin”. Film screening and conversation with Director Mohammad Bakri.

Monday 22nd March at 6.30pm: This is Apartheid: A conversation with B’Tselem’s executive director Hagai El-Ad and renowned Palestinian lawyer Diana Buttu