Date: Saturday 9th August
Time: Assemble at midday outside BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA
For march to Hyde Park via the US Embassy
Details of coaches to London from around the country available on facebook>
9 August demo postcard available on day.
Pressure is mounting on the government over its silence and inaction over Israel’s massacre in Gaza.
In the last few weeks, we’ve already marched twice through the streets of London, with 100,000 people to show our government, that the people of this country do not support the assault on Gaza – to express our disgust at the failure of the British government to respect international law and human rights, to end Israel’s massacre and to impose sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel. We’ve protested outside the Israeli embassy, blocking the streets and raising our voices in support of Palestine. All round the country, PSC branches have organised local protests and vigils.
And it seems the politicians are starting to listen. We know that they have been deluged with complaints from voters, calling for action to stop Israel’s massacre. Over 60,000 PSC supporters used one of our e-tools to write to their MP. This pressure is making a difference, with Labour leader Ed Miliband saying the government must oppose Israel’s actions in Gaza, and calling Prime Minister David Cameron’s silence ‘inexplicable’.
On 5th August, Baroness Warsi, the senior Foreign Office minister, resigned from the government, saying its ‘approach and language during the current crisis in Gaza is morally indefensible’.
At the end of July, Palestine Solidarity Campaign delivered a letter to Downing Street signed by 37,000 of you, as well as MPs and prominent figures, demanding an immediate arms embargo on Israel. On 4th August, the government announced that it was reviewing the sale of £8bn in arms and military goods to Israel.
And we’ve made our voices heard at the BBC as well, over its biased coverage of Israel’s massacre. A protest outside the BBC studios in London on 15th July blocked the streets, and an open letter signed by 45,000 of you, which reminded the BBC of its obligations to report with impartiality and accuracy, was hand-delivered to the offices of Director General Tony Hall.
PSC branches in Nottingham, Manchester and Birmingham, among others, have staged protests at their local BBC studios. In Bristol, an occupation of the front lawn of the BBC studios is ongoing.
The pressure is being felt – and now is the time to turn up the heat.
Let’s make this the biggest national demonstration in support of Gaza yet. And make sure we let the politicians know that we’ll keep up the pressure until the siege is lifted and the occupation of Palestinian land is over.