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Help make Palestine an issue at the upcoming Euro-Elections. Those candidates close to, or at the top of their Party’s list are the most likely to be elected. We want to find out what support they and their colleagues would give to Palestinian human rights if elected. 

Please write to your MEP candidates.

Please ask your MEP candidates to fill in our questionnaire>

Please read our EU briefing for the EU elections>

You can find the names of your MEP candidates here>

Let us know what they say>

If you are going to a hustings you could consider asking them the following:

  • EU agreements with other countries including Israel require respect for human rights.  Article 2 of the Barcelona Declaration of 1995 calls upon all partners to “respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and guarantee the effective legitimate exercise of such rights and freedoms … without any discrimination on grounds of race, nationality, language, religion or sex.”   The Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement with Israel requires …“respect for human rights and democratic principles,”.  What will you do as an MEP to ensure these conditions are enforced with regard to Israel?
  • Where do you stand on upgrading bilateral relations between the EU and Israel, and how do you see such an upgrading affecting the peace process?
  • Can you comment on the Palestinian right to return to Palestine, as a fundamental right endorsed by UN resolutions?Resolution 194  that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.
  • The EU recognises ‘Israel’s legitimate right to self-defence’ (EUIA Council meeting of June 08).  Do you recognise the Palestinians’ right to self-defence?
  • As a member of the Quartet (with Russia, the USA and UN), what do you think the EU and MEPs in particular can do to ensure the establishment of a Palestinian state?
  • The EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports requires that compliance with international human rights should be considered before licences to export arms are granted.  This has not, generally, been enforced with relation to Israel.  Given Israel’s appalling record, do you support an arms embargo against Israel?
  • How would you, if elected, to work inside and outside the European Parliament, for justice for the Palestinians?
  • Bearing in mind the EU’s stance on Iran’s nuclear programme, what steps do you think should now be taken to ensure Israel’s compliance with the IAEA?Israel is not a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty and is not inspected by the IAEA.
  • The EU currently maintains that ‘preventing Hamas from arming again’ is central to resolving the ‘Gaza crisis’.   Given Israel’s recent atrocities and enormous armoury, what are your views on this stance?
  • In its 9th Annual Report on Human Rights, the EU states that the European Parliament “has become an important voice on human rights and democracy issues”.   Do you agree that this is the case?  How will you work, if elected, to ensure that this voice is heard loud and clear in your constituency?
  • Have you ever or would you be prepared to visit Gaza, the West Bank or the state of Israel?
  • What is your view on the Wall or ‘separation barrier’ built by Israel and ruled illegal in 2004 by the International Court of Justice?   What will you do to ensure that the EU acccepts this ruling?
  • European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pottering stated on 2 March 2009  that the EU would be willing to work with a government that was prepared to “respect the basic principles of the peace process, to renounced violence and commit itself to peace negotiations.”   Would you talk to Hamas and what conditions, if any, would you  put on  this?
  • If elected, will you support the demand for an independent international inquiry on war crimes and crimes against humnaiy of which Israel stands accused by huyman rights NGOs?