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Events were held up and down the country. There are more to come – please check our events’ page for details.

Hundreds of letters have been sent to G4S calling for them to withdraw from contracts that make them complicit with Israel’s crimes. Send a letter to G4S today>

G4S contracts include:

  • security arrangements for some Israeli settlement homes and businesses
  • security systems at Israel’s checkpoints
  • Prison and police security
  • Services for the Ketziot and Megiddo prisons in Israel to which Palestinians are transferred in breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention
  • The central command room at Israel’s Ofer prison in the illegally occupied West Bank systems at Israel’s Kishon and Jerusalem detention centres where there is evidence that Palestinians are tortured

This means G4S is aiding and abetting Israel’s crimes.

Sandra Osborne MP wrote a letter to the Guardian, timed to coincide with PSC’s campaigning on Prisoners’ Day.

Thank you to Stephen Sizer for our photographs.