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Here you will find everything that has been said on the record about Palestine week beginning 7 March 2016.


1. Paul Scully: What recent reports has Foreign Secretary received of rocket fire into Israel from Gaza?

2. Joan Ryan: Pursuant to the Answer of 9 February 2016 to Question 25979, what financial assistance was provided to each of the (a) 10 Israeli non-governmental organisations (NGOs) receiving funding from the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund and (b) two NGOs receiving funds through the Bilateral Programme Budgets?
Nos 1-2 Commons Written Answers


1. Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill:
– Danny Kinahan: To answer the question that the hon. Member for Amber Valley (Nigel Mills) asked about other paramilitaries worldwide, when we go to the Falls Road, look at a wall there and see Basque and Colombian terrorists, Palestinians and others all being feted, we realise that this is larger than the sovereignty of this Parliament, and that this Parliament needs to use its sovereignty to do its best. We need to look at those matters. [extract] http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm160310/debtext/160310-0003.htm
Commons Debates

2. Helen Goodman: What licences were granted for exports to Israel of (a) military use and (b) dual use equipment in 2015?
Commons Written Answers

3. Lord Polak: Are HMG aware of the work of Save a Child’s Heart in Holon, Israel, and do they have any plans to support Save a Child’s Heart in Israel in particular by providing it with financial assistance?

4. Lord Polak: What financial assistance do HMG provide to charities and NGOs in Israel?
Nos 3-4 Lords Written Answers


1. Andy Slaughter: With reference to the oral contribution* of Lord Bridges of Headley [Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office] of 25 February 2016 on Public Bodies: Israel Boycotts, what is the Government’s policy on whether the Occupied Palestinian Territories are a territory of Israel under the definition of the World Trade Organisation?
http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Commons/2016-03-04/29867 *[ed: this was the contribution: “My Lords, to repeat what I said at the start, the guidance merely clarifies and reminds contracting authorities of their obligations under the WTO government procurement agreement, to which the EU is a signatory, which has been in place since 1996 and which the Labour Government and the coalition Government both upheld.” – see http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldhansrd/text/160225-0001.htm#st_57]

2. Jo Cox: What is the Foreign Secretary’s policy on the recognition of Palestinian statehood; and will he make a statement?

3. Jo Cox: What discussions has Foreign Secretary had with ministerial colleagues on recognising Palestine as a state since the House of Commons vote on this matter in October 2014?

4. Jim Shannon: What reports has Foreign Secretary received on the number of people joining terrorist groups from the Palestinian camps in Lebanon in the last five years?

5. Jim Shannon: What support is the FCO providing to the Lebanese government to prevent recruitment to terrorist groups from the Palestinian camps in Lebanon?
Nos 1-5 Commons Written Answers

6. Trade Union Political Funds and Political Party Funding:
– Lord Leigh: “Finally, I believe that further clarification is required on Clause 11. I note the Certification Officer will have to ensure that unions identify moneys spent under Section 72(1) of the 1992 Act, but there is confusion as to whether payments which are not within Section 72(1) should be similarly identified. For example, there are donations that can properly be described, in layman’s terms, as political but are not necessarily made through or to a political party. For example, payments by unions to CND and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel made through the fund are not disclosed as such. I would argue that many members of unions would be horrified to find that that is how their money has been spent. I would hope that a government amendment would clarify this point. I understand that it might be covered by case law, but I agree with paragraph 107 of the report, which states that the current level of reporting for political fund expenditure is insufficient.” [extract] http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldhansrd/text/160309-0002.htm#16030965000039
Lords Debates


  1. Andy Slaughter: Which of the (a) 108 structures funded by the EU or its member states in the OPTs and demolished by the Israeli authorities in 2015 and (b) 104 such structures demolished in the first six weeks of 2016 have been funded by DfID (i) directly and (ii) indirectly?



  1. Jim Shannon: What assistance does FCO provide for (a) education, (b) youth services and (c) medical treatment in Palestinian camps in Lebanon?



  1. Jim Shannon: What support is FCO giving to the Lebanese government to create employment in the Palestinian camps in Lebanon?



  1. Jim Shannon: Will the Foreign Secretary ensure that any assistance provided to Palestinians in camps in Lebanon is used to encourage reconciliation between Palestine and Israel to take steps towards peace?



  1. Jim Shannon: What use does the FCO make of information it collects in Palestinian camps in Lebanon?


Nos 1-5 Commons Written Answers


  1. Lord Hamilton: Do HMG contribute to the EU programme of assistance to the Palestinians; what is the gross annual amount of funding for that programme, and what percentage of that funding does the UK’s contribution, if any, represent; and what percentage of that programme’s funding is provided to the Palestinian Education Authority?


Lords Written Answers

MONDAY  7  MARCH  2016

  1. Baroness Tonge: What representations have HMG made to the government of Israel on the placing of razor wire by Israeli forces on a route taken by school children in Toqou’ village south of Bethlehem?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-22/HL6317 [EM: Decades of “raising concerns” are proving ineffective; do HMG not have a Plan B?]

  1. Baroness Tonge: What representations have HMG made to the government of Israel regarding the use of tear gas at Qitoun checkpoint against Palestinian children on their way to school?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-29/HL6542 [EM: “constant urgings” are clearly not having any effect – what is Plan B?]

  1. Baroness Tonge: What action do HMG intend to take following the second postponement of the visit to follow up the June 2012 report Children in Military Custody?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-29/HL6543  [EM: the original report, and this visit too, presumably, was FCO-sponsored, so why only “disappointment”; why not strongest protest? Why not at the very least demand an explanation? see http://www.caabu.org/news/news/foreign-office-must-maintain-serious-pressure-israel-over-palestinian-child-detainees]

  1. Baroness Tonge: What plans do HMG have to commemorate the centenary of the Balfour Declaration?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-29/HL6544 [EM: this contradicts what Tobias Ellwood told the House on 12.1.16: “…yes, we will mark the Balfour declaration anniversary this year.” http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmhansrd/cm160112/debtext/160112-0001.htm#160112-0001.htm_spnew81 – so why the slippage? Will British citizens of Palestinian heritage be given a role in the commemoration?]

  1. Baroness Tonge: What involvement do HMG intend to have in the French-organised Israel-Palestine conference planned for this summer?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-29/HL6545 [EM: How long will HMG pretend there can ever be “a two-state solution” when we all know that with the relentless growth of settlements, this window closed years ago? How do they envisage the relative land-mass, the relative areas of State of Israel and State of Palestine?]

  1. Baroness Tonge: What action does the Prime Minister intend to take regarding the continued construction of the illegal settlements in the West Bank following his comments that those settlements are “genuinely shocking” and an “infringement into Palestinian lives and land”?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-29/HL6546 [EM: The Question was what action the PRIME MINISTER intends to take]

  1. Baroness Tonge: What action do HMG intend to take following the demolition by Israel of the only school in the Abu al-Nuwaar community near the town of al-Eizariya in the occupied West Bank?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-29/HL6547 [EM: same question as in 1&2]

  1. Baroness Tonge: What representations have HMG made to the government of Israel on the suspension of three Arab-Israeli members from speaking in the Knesset?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-22/HL6315 [EM: Why not? At the very least HMG should protest to Israel that these suspensions are not what one expects of a “democratic” state]

  1. Baroness Tonge: How do HMG define the word “illegal” with reference to the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-26/HL6502 [EM: Why do HMG permit local authorities to trade with companies implicated in such illegality?]

  1. Lord Hylton: What is HMG’s assessment of the proposals contained in Separation: Putting a Border on the Conflict published on 29 February by the Chairman of the Zionist Union and of the Israeli Labour Party?

http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Lords/2016-02-29/HL6555 [EM: see Zionist Union MK proposes unilateral ‘separation’ plan from Palestinians – Under international law East Jerusalem is designated the capital of a future Palestinian state, so this proposal is ipso facto cannot be considered as any kind of “basis” for the FCO to assess whether or not it supports “progress towards the two-state solution”. Have HMG sought the Palestinian leaders’ opinion on this Israeli proposal?]

Nos 1-10 Lords Written Statements