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MONDAY   25   MARCH   2013

1. Andrew Percy: What recent representations have British Ambassador to Israel and Consul General in Jerusalem made to PA about incitement and what representations has Foreign Secretary made to PA on fulfilling its Road Map commitment to end incitement against Israel?
2. Andrew Percy: What recent assessment has Foreign Secretary made of (a) treatment and (b) position of Christians in Palestinian territories?
3. Andrew Percy: What representations has Foreign Secretary made to PA on naming of cultural and sporting events after terrorists?
Nos 1-3 http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmhansrd/cm130325/text/130325w0002.htm#13032537000019


WEDNESDAY   27   MARCH   2013

1. Baroness Tonge: What assessment have HMG made of reconstruction in Gaza following investment from Qatar?

2. Baroness Tonge: What discussions have HMG held with Israel concerning water supply in West Bank and Gaza, in light of WHO’s recommended minimum supply of 100 litres of water per capita per day?

3. Baroness Tonge: What discussions have HMG held with Israel concerning replacement and rebuilding of West Bank water, sanitation and hygiene structures and what representations have they made concerning confiscation of West Bank water pumps and portable water tanks?

4. Baroness Tonge: Have HMG made any contribution to the rebuilding of accommodation in Nahr El Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon?


5. Baroness Tonge: What discussions have HMG had with Qatar concerning Gazan water supply and sewage disposal installations?