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Take action now to protect local democracy for Palestine!

The UK Government is trying to prevent local authorities from divesting from companies linked to Israel’s illegal occupation and settlements on Palestinian land. Authorities which refuse to contract with such companies are also being targeted.

Please take action and make your voice heard: send a message to the government’s consultation on this issue.

The e-action is a joint action of: Campaign Against Arms Trade, Community Reinvest; Conscience; Global Justice Now; Palestine Solidarity Campaign; Platform; War on Want; 350.org.

The consultation opened on Wednesday 25th November 2015 and closes at 11.45pm on 19 February 2016.


The consultation page is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/revoking-and-replacing-the-local-government-pension-scheme


It’s a public consultation and responses can be emailed to [email protected]

