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Tipping Point – join us at our action summit
This Saturday 14th March, 10-4pm,
SOAS Vernon Square campus, London WC1X 9EW
PSC’s action summit is tomorrow (Saturday). Registration is now closed but there are a few places still available, first come, first served.
Held by the PSC and SOAS Palestine Society. This summit is intended as a day to explore and examine different methods to push justice for Palestine and share and intensify the message of freedom, justice and equality for Palestinians. Empower yourself for Palestine!>
(Please note: the summit is taking place at Vernon Square, not the SOAS Russell Square campus).
Extremists in Israel dominate election debate
Avigdor Lierberman Ruby Goes credit
Avigdor Lieberman, credit RubyGoes
Israel’s Foreign Minister – one of the most powerful positions in the Israeli Government, said that ‘disloyal’ Palestinian citizens of Israel should be ‘beheaded’ with an ‘axe’.
He also called for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from predominantly Arab areas, or those that mourned the Nakba – the day of catastrophe – for Palestine. Read more>
Israel will hold their elections next week, but whilst a new Government might bring change for Israelis, for Palestinians it will be more of the same whoever wins: occupation, Apartheid and ethnic cleansing.
What you can do!
Would the British government accept this from the Foreign Minister of any other country, or would they take action, such as imposing an arms ban and end preferential trade agreements? Please take action to insist your future MP stands up for international law and human rights! Inaction in the face of continued violations of Palestinians’ rights is not acceptable.

Over 23,000 emails have already been sent to candidates in our general election – join them, and help make our voice for peace and justice impossible to ignore!

New Parliamentary motion puts spotlight on theft of resources
A new Parliamentary motion is putting the spotlight on the theft of Palestinian resources by Israel. Early Day Motion, 838, entitled Natural Resources of Palestine, states (in Parliamentary language):
That this House acknowledges the view of the World Bank that Israel’s occupation is preventing Palestine from accessing its natural resources, including not only oil and gas but also agricultural land and water acquifers; notes the natural gas reserves of Gaza Marine One and Noa South of Gaza Marine Two are in Gaza’s territorial waters and contain at least $5 billion of gas; further notes that BG Group has held a licence since 1999 but Israel’s intransigence has prevented it from commencing exploration; further notes the already operational Meged oil field in Israel is believed to contain reserves of at least 3.5 million barrels and to extend into the Occupied West Bank; further notes that Israel has also issued licences for oil exploration in the occupied Golan Heights in violation of international law; recalls that the Oslo Accords oblige Israel to co-ordinate exploration for natural resources in shared territory with the Palestine Authority and share its benefits; and therefore calls on the Government, together with its European partners, to press Israel to abide by its obligations and cease obstructing legitimate Palestinian endeavours aimed at accessing its natural resources.
Please ask your MP to sign the motion urgently. You can find your MP here>. Your MP must sign the motion before Thursday 26th March at the latest.
A taste of Apartheid, courtesy of Waitrose
The row over the Taste of Israel supplement distributed by Waitrose in February is still ongoing. Supporters of justice for Palestine, as well as Zionists, have been posting on Waitrose’s facebook page. However, while pro-Zionist posts appear to have been left on the page, Waitrose has deleted a post from Ayman Abuawwad, a Palestinian from Gaza, and blocked him from posting again on its page. Ayman is also a member of PSC’s executive committee.
This was Ayman’s post: “I am a Palestinian from Gaza. How dare Waitrose promote the theft of my Palestinian heritage, my culture, my FOOD and call it Israeli?! The very photo at the cover of the disgraceful ‘Taste of Israel’ brochure makes my blood boil. This is a photo of one of my favourite Palestinian meals. We call it SHAKSHOUKA Shame on you Waitrose for cancelling a whole nation, a whole culture for profit.”
Taste of Israel
Take action:
Write to Waitrose: [email protected]
News and events
Help save Umm El Hiran
Over 1,000 people have now joined calls for the Foreign Secretary to intervene to help stop this village being destroyed to make way for an Israeli Jewish settlement on exactly the same site. Take action now>
Protection of Civilians report
Another Israeli cease-fire contravention
Israeli troops open fire at Palestinians in Gaza. Read more>
10 facts about the Israeli elections and the Palestinian vote
Fri 13 March – Palestine is still the issue…Hammersmith, London Read More
Sat 14 March – “A Stone’s Throw from Prison” documentary – Hendon, London Read More
Sat 14 March – Hustings for Palestine
– Portsmouth Read More
Thurs 19 March – Manchester PSC General Election HustingsRead More
Book now! Conference at Southampton University 17-18 April: International Law and the State of Israel: Legitimacy, Responsibility and Exceptionalism Read more>
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