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Gaza: one year on
Friday 10th July, 5.30-7.30pm,
Richmond Terrace, opposite Downing Street, London
Gaza September, 2014. Credit Agencia de Noticias ANDES – shared under Creative Commons licence
We are approaching the first anniversary of Israel’s devastating assault on Gaza last summer, which terrorised the Palestinian population of 1.8 million for 51 days, killing more than 2,000 Palestinians and reducing much of Gaza to rubble. Now is the time to show Palestinians and the world that we remember their losses, and are with them in their struggle for peace, freedom and justice.
On Friday 10th July we are holding a vigil in London to remember those who were killed and those who grieve for them. We will be asking people to share the names of those Palestinians who died during Israel’s attacks. If you can, please bring along flowers and the name of a person or family you want to remember. We will collect all the photos of those who come to remember. More information>
Gaza vigilA message left at a vigil after Israel’s deadly attacks
By signing our petition and attending our vigil (or an event near you) we can send a global message to government: Israel’s attacks must end, Israel’s blockade must end, the occupation must end. Send the message to government – support peace and justice for Palestinians.
If you are able to help before or at the event please contact [email protected]
UK Complicity in Israel’s war crimes continues
Arming Apartheid report
The latest official government figures, collated by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Campaign Against Arms Trade, and War on Want, reveal that the UK approved £4 million worth of arms sales to Israel in the four months that followed last year’s bombardment of Gaza (read the Independent’s report on the report)
The revelations are included in Arming Apartheid: UK Complicity in Israel’s Crimes Against the Palestinian People a new report which focuses on the extent and nature of the arms trade between the UK and Israel.
Email your MP to demand an immediate end to the two way arms trade with Israel
To support our campaign against the arms trade – donate now Donate now
PREVENT meeting: stand against the “us” and “them” mentality
Our meeting on Prevent and the Counter-terrorism Bill last week started an important conversation. The key message from the meeting was that this affects everyone. The government wants us to think in terms of “us” and “them”. But this is about all of us. The government is striking at the heart of our collective freedoms and hopes that we won’t notice.
Prevent meeting
The PSC Prevent event panel
We have noticed. And after last week’s event there is a great deal of energy to create a coalition to fight this. Teachers, doctors and nurses, campaigners, journalists, faith groups, students and trade unions can rally together to stand up for our collective freedom.
Effective opposition and organised campaigning works. Already Theresa May has had to backtrack on one of the key parts that she wanted to push through on this issue because of strong opposition in the Lords. We need your support to make sure we can stand against the rest of the Prevent programme being pushed through by Theresa May and David Cameron.
Check back on our website, facebook or twitter for updates and how you can be involved. And stay informed: for an introduction to this issue, have a look at this overview website, and this article by one of our speakers, Karma Nabulsi.
Block the Factory! Join the day of action!
Monday 6 July, 7am – 5pm
Last summer Israel launched another deadly assault on Gaza. Over 2200 Palestinians were killed and tens of thousands are still homeless. Activists in the UK responded by targeting a company right at the heart of Israel’s brutal occupation: Elbit Systems. Elbit manufactures the Israeli drones used to destroy Palestinian homes and lives. So activists occupied the Elbit Factory in Shenstone to make this connection.
One year on from Israel’s massacre, people from across the country are going back to the Elbit factory to send a clear message to the UK government: stop arming Israel.
The space around the factory will be transformed from a site of destruction to a fun, creative and child-friendly environment. It will be a space for people who have never been on a protest before as well as seasoned activists.
Book a space on one of the coaches from London, Bristol, Manchester or Edinburgh here. Join the day of action and send a clear message: Stop Arming Israel!
News and events
Palestine Return Centre to the UN | PRC
Palestine Return Centre is set to receive official NGO status from the UN, but a number of Israel’s supporters are trying to block this. If you have a supportive MP ask them to support PRC
Palestinian prisoner, Khader Adnan | Independent
It has been announced that Khader Adnan will be freed in two weeks, following his hunger strike against his ongoing political persecution and imprisonment without charge by Israel
‘Newsnight’: A masterclass in supporting Israeli colonialism | EI
In the 21st century — these supposedly modern, anti-racist times — how does Israel get away with the chauvinistic behaviour of 19th century European settler states without arousing the fury of the masses? Amena Saleem examines the role the BBC plays in keeping Israel’s colonialism alive:
Israel: Foreign direct investment plunges almost 50% as Boycott Divestment and Sanctions take toll | IB Times
In the States: The United Church of Christ (UCC) just voted to divest from the Israeli occupation | End the Occupation
Saturday 4 July POSTPONED – PSC Trade union Conference
Tuesday 7 July Eyewitness account: Palestine Trauma Centre (UK)
320 Brixton Road, London
Wednesday 8 July – Protest at the Sainsbury’s AGM
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London
Wednesday 8 July Film: Love, Theft and other Entanglements
Barbican Centre, London
Friday 10 July – Vigil for Gaza: Stoke-on-Trent
Hanley Town Hall, Staffordshire
Friday 10 July – Vigil for Gaza in Nottingham
BBC centre, London Road, Nottingham
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