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The Palestine Solidarity Campaign works for peace & justice for Palestinians, in support of human rights & against all racism


The results are out! Find out what your candidates think about Palestine


   We are so excited to launch the first results of our General Election Campaign #VotePalestine!
With your help, Palestine Solidarity Campaign surveyed candidates has questioned Parliamentary candidates around Britain to find out to what extent they would protect and promote Palestinian human rights if elected. This is to help you – the voter – to make an informed decision about who to support on election day, Thursday 7th May. 

We have the results from 583 candidates so far. To see your candidates response:




 If your candidates have not responded (their views will be shown on the link if they have)  please press them for a response  – by visitingact.palestinecampaign.org/lobby/votepalestineIf you have received a response from your candidate and it is not shown, please email it to: [email protected] – we will be adding new information throughout the campaign – so keep checking! Take action now!


Students around the UK take up BDS while Southampton University Cancels Palestine Conference 


 The University of Southampton is in the final stages of deciding whether to cancel a conference on Israel and international law, following intense pressure from Zionist supporters to do so. Palestine Solidarity Campaign writes: “PSC abhors these attacks on academic freedom and the intimidation that has been employed to silence legitimate debate about Israel…“We consider it deplorable that those who wish to keep Israel’s violations of international law out of the public eye have once again attempted to shut down the debate, and are using accusations of anti-Semitism to do so


“It would be inexcusable if such intimidation was allowed to win at Southampton. PSC hopes that the University of Southampton will not buckle under the enormous pressure being exerted on it, and will allow this conference to go ahead.”


Read the full statement here www.palestinecampaign.org/psc-statement-we-abhor-attempts-to-shut-down-conference-on-israel-international-law/


There is a petition in support of the conference HERE 

See the statement from the organisers HERE

 In the meantime there has been yet another BDS victory this week, with students at Sussex voting overwhelmingly in favour of BDS in a campus-wide referendum, with 68% of the votes cast  in support of the BDS policy. This means that Israeli products will remain off the shelves across Sussex campus shops. Although this policy was in place since 2009, it was due to expire soon. Student activists worked hard to educate people on campus to make sure they kept their commitment to equality, freedom and justice for Palestinians.

This victory is part of a wave of BDS successes. In January this year UCL students voted to terminate their Union’s cash-collection contract with G4S. Essex, Kent, Dundee and Edinburgh universities also recently voted to cancel similar contracts. Resolutions in support of BDS have been approved by student union votes at Essex, Goldsmiths, Birkbeck, Kingston, Swansea, Exeter, Brunel and, just last week, the University of Strathclyde. In February, SOAS made history by voting in favour of an academic boycott in a referendum of both students and staff, with a huge 78% voting yes.


=> Read More


Artists call for sanctions on Israel

sanctions photo

 The letter published in the Guardian last week is continuing to attract support for the PSC petition on Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s website, with over 10.000 signatures within a week, calling for the next UK government to push for sanctions.We need everyone who supports peace, justice and freedom to sign up, and amplify the message of the letter. With your support, we can demonstrate to the next government  that Israel’s position is unacceptable. Sign our petition, calling for sanctions on Israel until it abides to international law. And if you’ve already signed, please ask friends and family to do the same.It is clear that without urgently applied sanctions, there will be no end to the suffering of the Palestinian people.

If you have problems with the link button please copy and paste this into your browser:



News and events


 Last Palestinian family in Jerusalem neighborhood fear eviction at any momentA Palestinian family that has lived in Jerusalem’s Old City since 1953 is being forced out of their home by Israeli settlers backed by the state. =>Read more 

 Israel’s military occupation in 2014, by the numbers

 2,312 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces – 56 of which in the West Bank – with over 6.000 injured. =>Read more


 Every day is Land Day, on both sides of the Green Line

On March 30 of every year, Palestinian citizens of Israel mark Land Day, when six people were killed protesting the expropriation of their land. =>Read more


 Meet the Knesset Members from the Joint List

Something has changed inside Israel for its Palestinian citizens. Voter turnout jumped by ten-percent from the last election and in the Joint Arab List’s party leader’s home district it was nearly an unheard of 80-percent. =>Read more


Saturday 4 April – Gaza: Remember the Dead; Remember the Living? Lancaster – Read More 

 Tuesday 7 April – Gaza Crisis: The Medical Response – In Milton Keynes Read More


 Wednesday 8 April – Richmond PSC – General Election Hustings Read More


 Monday 13 April – Brent and Harrow PSC General Election Hustings Read More


 Thursday 16 April – Manchester PSC Public Meeting: A Celebration of Linda Clair’s 70th Birthday Read More




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