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URGENT ACTION: Help save Al Arakib from destruction and forced eviction!
This morning, according to reports from the Negev Forum for Coexistence, Israeli Forces have started destroying Al Araqib again – the demolitions included water tanks, structures around the cemetery and upheaval all around. The situation is urgent!

The village of Al Arakib has already been destroyed more than 60 times since July 2010, and each time the villagers have rebuilt their homes, determined to stay on their ancestral lands, despite the physical and emotional hardships. This time the Israelis are trying to force them off their land permanently.

Al Arakib demolitions The demolitions taking place this morning (Thursday 12 June)
The remaining residents had received eviction orders stating that by 13th July they must leave the village or be evicted by force. The orders include the dead and people who have left the village.The residents of Al Arakib lay claims to the lands on which their village is built and from which they were first evicted after the establishment of the State in the fifties. Their land claims are still before the courts and have yet to be decided.During the last four years the non-violent resistance of Al Arakib has become a symbol of the Arab-Bedouin struggle against Israeli government plans to forcibly concentrate its Bedouin citizens in government “planned” townships and to demolish 35 so-called unrecognised villages, whose population numbers in the thousands.
Al Arakib must not fall! Please act now to prevent an eviction that will set the Negev (known in Arabic as the Naqab) aflame.


What you can do!
Today you can phone the Israel political desk at the Foreign Office (the FCO) on 020 7008 1500 and ask them to make urgent representations to the Israeli Government. Also Tweet the FCO or comment on one of their facebook posts>

Sign the petition – produced by groups working directly with the villagers: the Coalition for Al Arakib, the Negev Coexistence Forum and the Recognition Forum –

Palestinian prisoners lives in danger
The Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike is now the longest in Palestinian history, and several prisoners have suffered internal bleeding and required surgery. The Israeli Knesset is seeking to pass a bill that would compel doctors to force-feed Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, despite the fact that force-feeding is officially recognised as a form of torture. The prisoners are protesting Israel’s policy of administrative detention – locking up Palestinians without charge or trial. See PSC’s vice-chair, Kamel Hawwash, highlighting the issue of administrative detention>
British-Danish company, G4S, has come under intense international pressure as a result of their involvement servicing Israel’s prisons – the latest shock to the company being the complete divestment from G4S by the Gates’ Foundation – the charitable foundation set up by Bill and Melinda Gates. In an attempt to absolve G4S against the charge of complicity in war crimes, the company has released what it calls an “independent review.” The report is co-authored by two academics who both have a strong and visible pro-Israel stance. Despite this farcical attempt to defend their record, at its AGM G4S said they will not renew their contracts with the Israeli prison service – so we need your help to keep up the pressure to ensure that the company does indeed end its links with the Israeli prison service. Read PSC’s report of the AGM and Amena Saleem’s expose of G4S’ ‘independent review’ on Electronic Intifada>
Sainsbury’s – taste the indifference!
Sainsbury’s is coming under pressure from campaigners to stop using suppliers that benefit from illegal occupation – watch this video of Sheffield PSC’s protest against Sainsbury policy>. Palestine Solidarity Campaign is working with the Sainbury’s Campaign and others to highlight the issue ahead of Sainsbury’s AGM on Wednesday 9th July.
Sainsbury's - taste the indifference
Three things you can do:
1. Sign our letter calling for Sainsbury’s to stop using suppliers that profit from settlements
2. Take part in one of the campaigning events taking part outside Sainsbury’s stores on Saturday 5 July
News and events
Two amazing cultural events this week:Mohammed Assaf sang at the FIFA opening ceremony
And Reem Kelani worked with Orlando Gough, and conductor, Clark Rundell in two performances in “Stemmer” were perhaps the most grand in scale and the most technically challenging of her career. As Mohammed Assaf said to the Fifa audience – ‘Viva Palestine!’
Children beaten by PA | DCI Palestine
Harrowing news of Palestinian children blindfolded and beaten at the hands of Palestinian Authority police
Stories from an occupation: the Israelis who broke silence | Guardian
Australian Government causes outrage on East Jerusalem | BBC
The Australian Government caused outrage by suggesting that East Jerusalem is not occupied. Now even the BBC says they out on-a-limb.
12-23rd June – Creation Under Occupation: Jenin Freedom Theatre UK Speaking Tour Read More
Thursday 12 June – Resisting the Environmental Nakba in Palestine
Brighton Read More
Saturday 14 June – Exhibition of Children’s Art from Gaza + short films
Chester Read More
Saturday 14 June – Sodastream Protest Outside John Lewis, London Read More
Saturday 14 June – Protest Against Sodastream in Brighton Read More
Saturday 14 June – Film Screening: The Process London E8 Read More
Saturday 14 June – Reem Kelani Live Bristol Read More
Sunday 15 June – Brent Fundraising Garden Party, London Read More
Thursday 19 June – Cardiff PSC AGM
Quaker Meeting House, Cardiff Read More
Thursday 19 June – How does the Israeli State control the Palestinians?
Manchester Read More
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