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THURSDAY  27  JUNE  2013
1.  Philip Hollobone: What processes are in place to ensure that UK aid to the PA is not used to pay salaries to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons convicted of terror offences?
Commons Written Answers
2.  Lord Anderson, in Grand Committee’s Morocco debate, makes passing reference to the moderating role that country has played in Israel/Palestine.
Lords Debates
TUESDAY  25  JUNE  2013
1. Andrew Smith: How much of the £7 million allocated by the European Commission for the OPT will be spent on infrastructure in Area C?
Commons Written Answers
MONDAY  24  JUNE  2013
1. Alistair Burt updates House on Foreign Secretary’s visit to Israel and OPTs on 23-24 May and his own visit there, which included Gaza, on 11-13 June, aimed at bolstering US efforts to restart MEPP: i.a.:  “We are clear….that any negotiated two-state solution must include Gaza—Gaza is a fundamental part of a future Palestinian state.”
Commons Written Statements
2. Andrew Smith: How many holders of Israeli passports entered the UK (a) as visitors, (b) as students, (c) to work and (d)for other reasons in 2012? [Mark Harper’s answer includes table of statistics and link to a govt. website]
3. Andrew Smith: How many holders of Israeli passports entered the UK (a) with and (b) without a visa in 2012; and what proportion of such people are normally resident within (i) the 1967 borders of Israel and (ii) settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory? [Mark Harper’s reply includes link to govt. website]
Nos 2-3
Commons Written Answers
4. Angie Bray: What assessment has Foreign Secretary made of the recommendations of the report on Children in Israeli Military Detention, published by UNICEF in March 2013?
5. Richard Burden: Will Foreign Secretary provide guidance to UK tour operators operating in the OPTs on the status and legality of Israeli settlement businesses? [Alistair Burt: i.a.: “The UK is developing a global strategy on business and human rights—based on the UN Guiding Principles—which will be launched soon. As part of this we intend to place additional country-specific guidance on human rights issues in overseas markets on the Overseas Business Risk Service website. This will include guidance on Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to ensure that British corporations are aware of our clear position on the illegality of settlements, and our expectation that British companies respect human rights throughout their operations.”]
Commons Written Answers

New Early Day Motions

Early Day motions are away for MPs to signal their support for policy. This is particularly useful where it is an area of Government policy which MPs either disagree with, or that is neglected by the Government of the day. So EDMs on Palestine are very popular!

Here is a list of some of the most recent EDMs on Palestine. You may wish to ask your MP to sign them if they haven’t already.