1. Grahame M. Morris: [Israel’s prisons] What estimate has Foreign Secretary made of (1) number of Palestinian children in Israeli prisons; (2) number of prisoners held in Israeli prisons who are Israeli; (3) how many Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons have been released since 29 July 2013; how many such prisoners have since been re-arrested; and how many new Palestinian prisoners have entered Israeli prisons since that date; and (4) what information does FCO hold on how many Palestinian children (a) held in Israeli prisons have been released and (b) have been arrested by Israeli police and security forces since 29 July 2013?
2. Richard Burden: what assessment has Foreign Secretary made of positive steps towards peace taken by Israel and PA since 29 July 2013?
Nos 1-2 Commons Written Answers
1. Jim Sheridan: What assessment has DfID Secretary made of the ability of UNRWA to provide for young disabled refugees?
Commons Written Answers
2. Philip Hollobone: What assessment has Defence Secretary made of defence implications and impact on regional stability of the growing insurgency in Sinai and the conflict on Egyptian border with Gaza?
Commons Written Answers
1. UK Government paper “Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” published.
Commons Written Statement
2. Dame Joan Ruddock: US strike on Syria would squander opportunities offered by new Iranian leadership and US initiative in Palestine.
3. Henry Bellingham: What recent assessment has Foreign Secretary made of likelihood of Israel having a nuclear weapons programme, and will he make a statement?
4. Richard Burden: When were the five IPCC [International Peace and Cooperation Centre] master plans sent to the Israeli road and water departments for comment, when were they received, and when did the 60 day period for public objections commence?
5. Richard Burden: Was any assessment of government indirect finance to Israeli settlements through procurement, tax benefits or participation in bilateral programmes made before 2005 and when?
6. Bob Blackman: Will FCO correct the figures given by Baroness Warsi regarding number of Palestinian deaths attributed to Israeli intervention? [Alistair Burt: The answer contained a clerical error; the figure quoted applies to the period since 1 January 2005, not 2012 as stated (see original question here: non-violent protestors killed and injured by (1) live fire, (2) rubber bullets, and (3) other weapons, in Palestine since 2002. [HL1827]
7. Richard Burden: What progress has been made through the Israeli planning system on the 32 master plans since May 2013, including those deemed to have met the required technical standard in December 2012?
8. Robert Halfon: What recent discussions has BIS had with Israel about Israel’s high-tech sector?
9. Anas Sarwar: Speaking in debate on Scotland’s Role in International Development, he highlights contribution of Scots to DfID’s work in places of humanitarian crisis, including Palestine, “and what that means in the context of the upcoming referendum in Scotland.”
Westminster Hall
1. Questions to the Foreign Secretary:
– David Burrowes: What are prospects for MEPP given that Shin Bet has uncovered “a Hamas terror cell” planning attacks on Israelis and refuses to accept the negotiation track and result?
– William Hague: President Abbas on the other hand is a genuine partner for peace; he will visit the UK shortly.
– Anne McGuire: What support has FCO provided to projects fostering co-existence?
– Alistair Burt: A key objective of our £4 million conflict pool is to strengthen those committed to a peaceful resolution.
– Anne McGuire: Could some of that be refocussed for joint projects to encourage coexistence and cooperation?
– AB: There are very good projects such as a football project I visited and one where Palestinian doctors are trained in Israeli hospitals.
– Philip Hollobone: How will Egyptian action against Hamas-controlled “smuggling tunnels” affect trade arrangements?
– AB: Getting a grip on smuggling would help Gaza’s economic prospects, as would “a greater relaxation by the Israelis of the restrictions currently placed on Gaza”.
– Louise Ellman: Organisations like Givat Haviva and the Abraham Fund show the importance of coexistence. Actions by those who oppose it are detrimental.
– AB: Absolutely. Pressure against such projects is a tragedy. “Separation over the years has done a great deal of damage. We must all get behind Secretary Kerry’s efforts because if, as part of that, there can be improved personal prospects and economic prospects for an independent Palestine, it will benefit both the Palestinians and Israel.”
– Sir Bob Russell: Coexistence is not fostered either by the ethnic cleansing of Bedouin or the illegal building of yet more settlements, yet the Foreign Secretary was silent about them.
– AB: We are never silent in relation to the growth of settlements. “With respect to the internal situation affecting the Bedouin, I have been in contact over a period of time with Ministers responsible. It is a difficult internal issue in Israel and much attention is being paid to it on both the Bedouin side and the Israeli side.”
– Ian Lucas: Will the Minister commend the work of the West-Eastern Divan orchestra?
– AB: Yes.
– Alex Cunningham: What advice has FCO given to UK businesses on trading with illegal Israeli settlements?
– AB: “When asked by companies, we give a clear statement of our view on those settlements: they are illegal, an obstacle to peace and not helpful in creating the solution to the two-state process. In line with the publication tomorrow of the UK action plan on business and human rights, we are updating our guidance for those working in overseas markets in relation to this issue, and that will include Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.”
– Alex Cunningham: Will he confirm that it is wrong for UK businesses continuing and expanding trade and investment with the settlements? “Does he not agree that a bit of advice is now insufficient and that he needs to take practical action to end these shameful activities?”
– AB: “No, I do not. I think that providing advice to companies that are in a position to make their own choice, just as consumers can make their own choice through labelling of goods, is the right action. We do not support a boycott of Israel or those companies that work there.” These will all be resolved by the negotiations.
– Robert Halfon: Israel’s security remains a real concern. What will be HMG’s response if the Assad regime drops chemical weapons on Israel?
– AB: The worry of the conflict spreading is very real. Those in Israel are right to be constantly aware of the risks and dangers to them.
– Simon Hughes: Will Ministers continue to urge all parties, businesses, the voluntary sector and others, to do the things that will support the peace process?
– AB: Absolutely right. “A key part of the work that is going on at the moment is to make very clear to Palestinians and to Israel the economic benefits that will flow from success in the peace talks that are going on.”
Commons Oral Answers
TUESDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2013 (continued)
2. Richard Burden: Asks BIS Secretary for details concerning the export licence for cryptography equipment and software worth £7,765,450,000 to Israel and the OPTs.
3. Chris Heaton-Harris: Asks BIS Secretary what was value of UK exports to Israel in 2012.
4. Chris Heaton-Harris: Asks BIS Secretary what was value of bilateral trade between UK and Israel in 2012.
5. Kerry McCarthy: What assessment has Foreign Secretary made regarding attendance at the Defence and Security International Exhibition by delegations from countries of concern and other countries identified in FCO’s annual human rights report? [According to Israel is to have a pavilion]
6. Richard Burden: What assessment has Foreign Secretary made of requirement that EU countries include in agreements with Israel a clause stating that settlements are not part of Israel, and what steps will he take to implement it?
7. Jeremy Corbyn: What reports has Foreign Secretary received on the role of G4S in the Israeli prison system?
8. Margaret Ritchie: What recent assessment has Foreign Secretary made of UK’s trade policy with respect to EU directive that member states should not sign deals with Israel unless a settlement exclusion clause is included?
9. Andrew Percy: Will UK companies operating in Israel and the Occupied Territories be consulted during the development of a UK strategy on business and human rights?
10. Andrew Percy: When will FCO publish the UK strategy on business and human rights?
11. Guto Bebb: How many representations has Foreign secretary received calling for a boycott of Israeli goods and services in the last year?
12. Paul Maynard: What recent representations has Foreign Secretary made to Israel on reports of Israeli incitement against Palestinians?
13. Helen Goodman: What discussions has Foreign Secretary had with EU counterparts on length of current appointment of the Quartet’s Special ME Envoy and arrangements for reappointments and new appointments?
14. Helen Goodman: What accountability arrangements has EU agreed for Quartet’s Special ME Envoy?
15. Helen Goodman: What information does FCO hold on the remuneration of Quartet’s Special ME Envoy?
16. Helen Goodman: Has EU been consulted on extension of terms of reference of Quartet’s Special ME Envoy to cover political situation in Egypt?
Nos 12-16
17. Guto Bebb: How many representations has Foreign Secretary received in opposition to Israeli settlement activity?
18. Robert Halfon: What recent representations has Foreign Secretary made to PA about fulfilling its Road Map commitment to end incitement against Israel?
1. Mike Freer: Accuses George Galloway of having misled the House concerning his accusation on Press TV that Israel supplied chemical weapons to al-Qaeda.
2. Guto Bebb: What reports has DfID received on the work being undertaken by the Hadassah Hospital in support of the Palestinian healthcare system, and will it provide support to extend such medical programmes for the purpose of encouraging peaceful coexistence?