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Listed below are links to organisations based in Palestine or among Palestinians in the diaspora. These are governmental and non-governmental organisations, including charity, human rights, advocacy, political and education organisations.

There is also a list of Palestinian/Israeli joint projects.

Please note that the views expressed by these organisations do not necessarily represent the views of PSC.

ADALAH Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

AdDameer Prisoners support and human rights association

Al Haq Defending human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1979

Al-Awda USA The Palestine right to return coalition

Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights Human rights organisation based in Gaza

Arab Association for Human Rights Association in the service of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel

Badil Resource center for Palestinian residency and refugee rights

The Civil Coalition to Defend Palestinians’ Rights in Jerusalem
Mobilize efforts, capacities and resources to protect the political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinians in Jerusalem based on the international law and human rights law.

Dar Annadwa A Lutheran-based, ecumenically-oriented institution, serving the whole of the community.

Defence for Children International. Palestine Section Children’s rights

Free Marwan Barghouti Campaign to free Marwan Barghouti and all political prisoners

The Galilee Society The Galilee Society − The Arab National Society for Health Research and Services − strives to achieve equitable health, environmental and socio-economic conditions for Palestinian Arabs in Israel.

Institute for Palestine Studies The only institute in the world exclusively devoted to research, analysis, and publication on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Publishes the Journal of Palestine Studies.

Ittijah Palestinian NGO network in Israel

Mandela Institute For Human Rights and Political Prisoners

Miftah The Palestinian initiative for global dialogue and democracy

Mossawa Center The Advocacy center for Arab citizens in Israel

PARC Union of Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees

Palestinian International Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza Calls upon the international community to utilize all methods available, to stop the collective illegal punishment imposed on the people of Gaza.

PRCS Palestinian Red Crescent Society Heath and social services

Palestine Return Centre academic/media consultancy. Refugees and other aspects of the Palestine Question. Based UK

PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Human rights organisation based in Gaza

PCRP Palestinian Commission for Refugee Right Protection Refugees, human rights

PLO Negotiations Affairs Department Established in order to follow up on the implementation of the Interim Agreement signed between Israel and the PLO. Site contains resources such as articles, reports, maps, factsheets etc.

Popular Committee Against Siege Campaign from Gaza to end the siege

Right to Education Campaign, Birzeit university Seeks to raise international awareness about the obstruction and denial of education in Palestine and to bring pressure to bear on governments, decision-makers and ultimately the Israeli authorities to guarantee safe and free access of all Palestinians to their educational institutions.

The Centre for Jerusalem Studies

The Institute of Jerusalem Studies The Institute of Jerusalem Studies (IJS) is the Jerusalem branch of the Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS).

Sawt el-Amel/ The Laborer’s Voice Sawt el-Amel/The Laborer’s Voice is an independent grass roots organisation founded by Palestinian Arab workers in Nazareth in 2000, in order to defend and promote the rights of Arab citizens in Israel to work and social securit

Workers Advice Center (Ma’an) WAC, the Workers Advice Center (or Ma’an in Arabic), is an initiative for building an independent labor association. WAC, the Workers Advice Center (or Ma’an in Arabic), is an initiative for building an independent labor association. WAC is committed to the struggle of Palestinian workers from the West Bank East Jerusalem and Gaza, for jobs and social rights.

Palestinian/Israeli organisations

Please note that the views expressed in these websites do not necessarily reflect the views of PSC.

Alternative Information Centre Political advocacy, critical analysis and information sharing on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Bitter Lemons Palestinian-Israeli crossfire.  Presents Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on prominent issues of concern

Challenge Magazine A leftist magazine focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict within a global context. Published in Tel Aviv, it features political analysis, investigative reporting, interviews, eye-witness reports, gender studies, arts, and more. Its editorial staff includes Jews and Arabs.

Combatants for Peace Aims to end the cycle of violence, the bloodshed and the occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people