The Palestine Solidarity Campaign sends a warm message of solidarity to the demonstration taking place this afternoon in Nazareth. Those protesting today are standing up against the imprisonment of the members of the National Democratic Assembly.
We are shocked and appalled to hear of the political detention of the 20 members of the National Democratic Assembly – Tajamoa – by the Israeli State authorities. We call for the immediate and unconditional release of all those detained and the dropping of all fabricated charges. This action is a clear attack on the democratic rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel to express their political opinions and to challenge the discriminatory policies and practices of the Israeli state.
All citizens should have full and equal rights. This includes the right of assembly and freedom of political association and expression. All attempts to silence the voices of Palestinian people should end.
We stand with the Arab Higher Committee, the Joint List, Tajamoa and all those struggling for the rights of the Palestinian people including those living inside Israel.