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Trade Unions and Palestine in the UK

PSC recognises the importance of working with trade unions which have a long history of supporting international causes such as the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa. PSC works closely with trade unions and the largest trade unions in the UK are affiliated to PSC – while a growing number of trade union branches and regions are affiliating to the campaign.

Trade Unions affiliated to PSC

ASLEF – Train Drivers Union

BFAWU – Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union

CWU – Communication Workers Union

FBU – Fire Brigades Union

GMB – Britain’s General union

The Musicians’ Union


NEU – National Education Union

PCS – Public and Commercial Services Union 


RMT – Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union

TSSA – Transport Salaried Staffs Association

UCU – University and College Union 




If you are a member of one of these unions then please affiliate your region and local branch.

If you are a member of a union not on this list then please encourage them to affiliate nationally, regionally and locally to PSC and encourage individual union members to become members of PSC.

Full details on how to affiliate are on this dedicated page HERE

If you would like more information about affiliating to PSC contact us at:

Email: [email protected] 


PSC has worked with the TUC for several years, focusing on the 2010 policy to ‘to work closely with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to actively encourage affiliates, employers and pension funds to disinvest from, and boycott the goods of, companies who profit from illegal settlements, the Occupation and the construction of the Wall’.

TUC’s commitment to step up the campaign for the free Palestine was reiterated at its 2014 congress with a General Council statement ‘calling on the UK government and the EU to end immediately arms trading with Israel including all military-industrial collaboration’ and for ‘the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement until the rights of the Palestinians are established’.





You can read TUC policy passed at its Congress


PSC has a Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) composed of representatives of the national affiliates which meets regularly to discuss and plan actions to build the campaign for justice for the Palestinians.


Most National trade Union have sent representatives on PSC delegations to Palestine in the last few years, this has in turn led to a significant growth in activities in the movement. Please contact us if you would like to take part in a delegation or organise a visit by your union.