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Over 18,500 messages have been sent to Parliamentary candidates! As the election grows ever closer (78 days and counting) we want to keep up the ante and reach 20,000 in the next week. Can you help us do it?
If you haven’t already, share the VotePalestine e-tool: (http://act.palestinecampaign.org/lobby/votepalestine) on Facebook and tweet it using #VotePalestine hashtag. The more emails sitting MPs and candidates receive the more pressure they will feel to demonstrate long over-due commitment on this issue.
Vote Palestine AGM
Hundreds say #VotePalestine (photo credit: Neil Kirtlan)
If you have already contacted your candidates, please ask family and friends to do the same.
Another great way to raise this issue in your local area involves logging into our e-tool, http://organise.palestinecampaign.org. This is a platform to further push the issue of justice for Palestine by networking and planning with other supporters in your area.
Lets all get involved and work together to maintain this momentum for justice for Palestine!
Palestine: The Tipping Point.
PSC Action Summit. Saturday, 14 March 2015
tipping point
Hosted by Palestine Solidarity Campaign and SOAS Palestine Society
This will be a day of interactive workshops on building powerful BDS campaigns, challenging media bias, and how to achieve policy change, with a focus on the 2015 General Election!
Speakers and facilitators include:
· Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement
· Owen Jones, author, activist and journalist at The Guardian
· Karma Nabulsi, Palestinian academic
· Hugh Lanning, PSC Chair and Sarah Colborne, PSC Director
Since the summer of 2014 there has been a seismic shift in public opinion on Palestine. And with that came a transformation in the influence we can have as a movement. Our goal is clear. We are fighting for freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinians. The only question is, what’s the most effective way to do it?
PSC’s Action Summit is about answering this question. It’s about the tactics and strategy we need to grow our movement in solidarity with the Palestinians. The Action Summit will provide an empowering space for activists to plan around key issues and get involved in PSC’s campaigns, including BDS campaigns, media bias, the 2015 General Election, and tackling the arms trade. This is our opportunity to escalate our campaign and use this tipping point in Palestine activism to make a difference for Palestine.
Israel’s ethnic cleansing escalating
In 2014 1,215 Palestinians were displaced in 2014 from their homes in the West Bank following demolitions by the Israeli authorities, the highest figure in 6 years.
What may surprise people more is that the level of demolitions by the State of non-Jewish owned structures within Israel is just as staggering. Whilst in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) 601 Palestinian structures have been demolished in 2014; in Israel 833 ‘non-Jewish structures’ were demolished in 2013. We are still waiting for the final figures for 2014, but by July 425 structures had already been destroyed.
Umm el Hiran
A view of the village scheduled for demolition.
One of the villages most at threat is Umm el-Hiran. Over 500 Palestinian Bedouin with Israeli citizenship live in the village, but it is due for demolition next month to make way for an Israeli-Jewish only settlement. The villagers have asked, why does their village need to be demolished when there is plenty of room for all?
Take our action to ask the UK Foreign Secretary to make urgent representations, calling for the village to be saved.
Daily Mirror highlights suffering in Gaza | the Mirror
The Daily Mirror has focused a number of reports on the suffering of ordinary people in Gaza. They reported on life-saving operations on two young boys hit by ammunition left by troops. They tell the tragic story of 4 year old Hassan, who lost his family, and hero, Mohammed, badly injured trying to save his relatives.


Palestinians treatment blocked | PNN
Injured Gazans face increased obstruction on travel for medical care.


Netanyahu planning visit to Hebron | UN OCHA oPt
Netanyahus pre election tour to include visit to Hebron, an incendiary move?
Beduin citizen of Israel continue to suffer lack of basic amenties, state violence | EI
Racist rabbi calls for ethnic cleansing | Alternative News
A rabbi from Hebron has called uppon the Israeli government to encourage Palestinians to emigrate. “We must strive to clean the entire country”, Dov Lior said, adding “we should offer them the right to return to their countries in the Arabian Peninsula and give us the right of return to our country”.
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