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Palestinians have called on us to join them in a ‘day of rage’ on Thursday 1st August against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the Naqab  (also known as the Negev).

Join our Virtual Protest  between 1900-2000  (UK time is GMT+1) against Israel’s Prawer Plan to ethnically cleanse 40,000 Palestinian Bedouin from their homes and land.

You might be on a beach, at your desk or at a train station or airport – wherever you are you can join the protest!

Want to know more? Find out more about why you should oppose Israel’s plan to ethnically cleanse Palestinians>

  • Got 1 minute? On twitter?
    Take 1 minute to send a tweet between 1900-2000 UK time (GMT+1). Follow @PSCupdates for the # hashtag. If you aren’t sure what to tweet just retweet @pscupdates. If you’ve got time, ask your friends to retweet too
  • Got 2 minutes? On facebook? 
    On facebook? Change your profile picture. Share PSC’s facebook statuses on the day and ask people to support our e-action to help Palestinians. You could use:
    ‘Protest against Israel’s ethnic cleansing of 40,000 Palestinian Bedouin from their homes and land. Take action NOW! http://act.palestinecampaign.org/lobby/105
  • Got 3 minutes? Got email? 
    Send a letter to the Middle East Minister today calling on him to make it clear to Israel that action will be taken if they go ahead with the Prawer Plan.
  • Got any more time? Share the actions. Email your friends, tweet and share on facebook.

We’ve got to be heard to make a difference! Join the virtual protest on Thursday 1st August and make some noise!

right click and save this picture then add to your facebook. Or visit https://www.facebook.com/palestinesolidarityuk and share our image