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The row over the Taste of Israel supplement distributed by Waitrose in February is still ongoing. Supporters of justice for Palestine, as well as Zionists, have been posting on Waitrose’s facebook page. However, while pro-Zionist posts appear to have been left on the page, Waitrose has deleted a post from Ayman Abuawwad, a Palestinian from Gaza, and blocked him from posting again on its page. Ayman is also a member of PSC’s executive committee.

This was Ayman’s post: I am a Palestinian from Gaza. How dare Waitrose promote the theft of my Palestinian heritage, my culture, my FOOD and call it Israeli?! The very photo at the cover of the disgraceful ‘Taste of Israel’ brochure makes my blood boil. This is a photo of one of my favourite Palestinian meals. We call it SHAKSHOUKA. We mainly make it for breakfast. I remember my grandmother and mom after her used to make it for us when we were children and now my wife and I make it. It’s such a satisfying meal that always puts a smile on our faces. I never thought I’d get angry by seeing a photo of this meal! FALAFEL and HUMMOUS are the FISH and CHIPS of the PALESTINIANS. They are not an Israeli snack. In fact the word HUMMOUS itself means CHECKPEAS in ARABIC. So how can it be Hebrew? How can it be Israeli? Shame on you Waitrose for cancelling a whole nation, a whole culture for profit.

Read Amena Saleem’s article in Electronic Intifada on the Waitrose fiasco: http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/amena-saleem/tourist-ad-falls-foul-uk-watchdog-claiming-jerusalem-belongs-israel

Take action:

Write to Waitrose: [email protected]

Post on Waitrose’s facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Waitrose?fref=ts